In partnership with Plymouth Culture, as part of the Heritage Active Zone Cultural programme HAZ, we’re very excited to be making a brand new version of our participatory, story-swapping, map-making performance for public spaces The Desire Paths in Plymouth this summer, and we’re looking for performers or artists who are based in, or have strong connections to Plymouth to be part of our team.
The Desire Paths is a conversational, durational performance that involves drawing a street map on the floor with chalk, talking to the public and inviting them to rename a street after a hope or dream for the future. It also involves listening to any stories they tell you about themselves and/or the town, and maybe telling those stories back at the end of the project. You can see photos and video of indoor and outdoor versions of the show here.
We always research the history of street names in our new location, but we know from experience that it helps to have some people on the team who are already familiar with the city and its history.
SO we are looking for 3 performers experienced or interested in engaging with the public, gathering stories (so listening and telling), drawing/writing in performance. You might be an actor or performer who wants to try some task-based work, a visual artist interested in installation and performance, a presenter, or anything else that uses those skills.
You’ll need to be available for at least one remote pre-production meeting in June, and then to work in person from Thursday 30 June to Sunday 3 July inclusive for rehearsal and performance, plus a little time on Monday 4 July to tidy up, collate and send over write-ups of the stories you’ve collected. We pay £130/day for 4 days minimum, 5 days maximum. Rehearsal and performance days are usually 6 1/2 hours plus breaks.
Interested? We would love to meet up and have a chat! We’d particularly like to hear from artists who have global majority heritage, d/Deaf or disabled artists and those from marginalised communities.
Our Co-artistic Director Alex Kelly will be in Plymouth on 25th of May for a site visit and to talk to interested performers. To book in for a conversation, please click here.
And if you have questions about the project in advance, drop him an email here.