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Third Angel presents

Pills For Modern Living

In the future everything will be okay. There will be a readily available solution to all your problems. The cause of all ills will be irrelevant, because all effects will be reversible. You will not have to worry about prevention, because everything will have a cure.

Third Angel welcomes you to a preview of tomorrow’s medicine cabinet.

Final Word Pill

Take during an argument to guarantee that you come up with something brilliantly cutting to say as the final word, instead of losing the argument and only thinking of that great comeback when you are on your way home on the bus. 

At Least We Tried Pill 

After you have totally messed a situation up, tried your hardest but still failed miserably, an At Least We Tried Till allows you to cling to some pride for actually having made an effort.

Heart Mended Pill

No longer do you need to go through the months of heartache and emotional turmoil after splitting up with a so-called soul mate; a single pill heals the pain and allows you to get on with your life. Comes in ‘Still Friends’ and ‘Do I Know You?’ varieties.

Tip of the Tongue Pill

On those occasions when you know that you know the answer to something, such as a particular name or word, but cannot quite think of it, a Tip of the Tongue Pill solves your problem.

Not My Problem Pill

Enables you to enjoy the luxuries of modern life without worrying about the consequences. No longer do you need to concern yourself with the fact that your favourite trainers or chocolate bars are made by slaves, or that the fast food chain you frequent is bad for the environment. Take one of these pills and you will remember that it is not your problem.

Armchair Tourist Pill

Save yourself the trouble and expense of taking foreign holidays, doing bungee jumps and other dangerous hobbies. The extensive Armchair Tourist range can give you the memory of having experienced any number of exciting things without having to leave your own home.

Bar Presence Pill

Take before going out on a Friday or Saturday night, and no matter how busy the bars you visit are, the bar staff will always serve you first.

As Good As It Used To Be Pill

A pill for when you find yourself at the inevitable stage in the relationship when the magic has gone, and you just don’t get on with your partner the way you used to. Instead of having to go through the awkwardness of discussing your problems, or the expense of paying for counselling sessions, a single pill can give you that rose-tinted sparkle back.

Perfect Excuse Pill

To be taken when you are late for something, for example, and people are going to require an explanation. The Perfect Excuse Pill enables you to come up with a believable, slightly unusual excuse, that may also buy you some sympathy.

Easy Conscience Pill

An antidote to all the people in society asking you for money. Just take one pill as you watch a charity appeal on television, or walk past a person in the street, and instead of that nagging feeling of guilt for being mean, you will get  a feeling of generous satisfaction as if you had made a large donation to the cause or person in question, but without having to part with a penny.

Designed by
Alexander Kelly 

Created with
Jeremy Killick 
Rachael Walton
Catherine Wilson

Administration by
Hilary Foster

Photographic installation, first shown at the Inbetween Time festival, Arnolfini in February 2001, and presented in Manchester, Sheffield, Doncaster, Edinburgh, Nottingham, Newcastle and Coimbra, Portugal; also available as a set of postcards.
Pills For Modern Living is one of two spin-offs from a section in Where From Here, in which the man discusses his favourite pharamaceuticals. The other spin off is the short film Pills.

Installation views

There's lots more information about making and touring Third Angel projects 2008-2017 on our original blog, and 2017-2023 on the blog on this site.